25 Pig Jokes and Puns That Will Make You Squeal

25 Pig Jokes and Puns That Will Make You Squeal
  1. Why did God make pigs before politicians? He just needed some practice.
  2. What did the pig say to the garbage man? Nothing, he’s not a talker.
  3. Why did the pig cross the road? He wanted to get to the other nuts.
  4. What did one pig say to another? Boar-ing! (boring).
  5. Why did the farmer name his pig ink? Because he kept on running out of the pen.
  6. Why are pigs so greedy? Because they’re always looking for ham.
  7. What do you call a pig with no legs? Ground pork.
  8. What do you call a boar that likes to fight? A pugilist.
  9. What do you call a pig with three eyes? A piiig.
  10. Why did the farmer name his pigs after famous people? Because he wanted famous pork!
  11. Why did the pig cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken.
  12. What did the pig say when he was asked to get out of the mud? “I’m not in it, I’m in it.”
  13. What do you call a pig that is never scared? A silly sausage!
  14. Why do pigs no longer swim in ponds? Because they are always in “Porkington’s quicksand!”.
  15. Why did the sheep run away when it saw the piglet? It was a case of mistaken lamb.
  16. Why did the cow jump over the moon? To prove he wasn’t chicken.
  17. What did the pig say when he missed the winning throw at garbage time? Weis! Weis! Weis!
  18. What do you call a dwarf police officer? A guinea pig
  19. what do you call a pig that does karate – PORK-CHOP
  20. what did the cow say to the fat pig? moooooooove over
  21. What do you say when you see a pig making bread? – He’s bacon.
  22. What did the butcher say to the pig? – Nice to meat you
  23. Why shouldn’t you play basketball with a pig? – Because he’s a ball hog.
  24. What is a pig cross pineapple? A porkypine!
  25. What do you say when you see a pig making bread? – He’s bacon.

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